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Cutting road safety budgets 'could cost lives'

08/03/2011 11:52

UK is top country for road safety.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has spoken out against government plans to cut road safety budgets.

According to the organisation, the UK is now the number one country for road safety, with less than 2,000 serious accidents taking place annually.

This is an improvement from sixth place in 2007 and fourth place in 2008, it notes.

However, this progress could be jeopardised by cuts to road safety budgets, which the IAM has labelled as "a short-sighted economy".

IAM director of policy and research Neil Greig commented that saving lives has significant economic benefits.

Mr Greig stated: "Investing in road safety saves the country money, so funding being taken away from this area will ultimately cost money and lives. The parliamentary council is right to call for continued investment in road safety."

The IAM supports the raising of driving and riding standards and campaigns for increased on-road skills in the UK and Ireland.