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Drivers and cyclists encouraged to work in tandem

10/08/2012 17:04

Drivers and cyclists encouraged to work in tandem

The nation's road users have been urged to pay more attention to each other, with drivers and cyclists encouraged to work together to help make roads safer.

In order to raise awareness of the importance of protecting all road users and pedestrians, the road safety charity Brake will be adopting the theme 'slower speeds = happy people' during Road Safety Week, which takes place this November.

Brake is urging people to host a 'Bright Day' during the flagship road safety event, which would present cyclists and pedestrians with the chance to don high visibility jackets in order to promote potentially life-saving awareness.

The charity will be emphasising the importance of making it safer for people to walk and cycle in their communities, and appealing to drivers to slow down to 20mph in communities and look out for people on foot and bikes.

Brake deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said Road Safety Week is a "great opportunity" to work together to make the streets safer, greener and more pleasant places.

"We'll be calling on authorities to do more to protect people on foot and bike, and calling on drivers to make a difference by slowing down," she added.

Posted by Louise Clarke