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New and used car drivers urged: Don't let drinking get the better of you on World Cup Day

28/05/2010 13:07

New and used car drivers urged: Don't let drinking get the better of you on World Cup Day

Posted by Louise Clark

As World Cup Day draws nearer, England fans are being urged not to overdo their drinking as the game gets underway.

New and used car drivers may be among those excitedly awaiting the first England group match on June 12th, as pubs are set to be packed with football fans supporting their team.

But Alcosense is warning motorists not to drink and drive, or face the consequences.

According to the firm, drinking more than three pints of beer or three large glasses of wine could leave motorists over the legal blood alcohol limit the morning after their drinking session.

Many drivers may be unaware they are still over the limit and take to the streets, but if caught, they risk being fined thousands of pounds and receiving points on their licence.

To help combat the risk, drivers should allow an hour for each unit of alcohol they consume to pass through their body, Alcosense states, also urging drivers to invest in pocket-sized breathalysers to be on the safe side.