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Renault gives backing to road safety scheme

09/04/2013 15:42

Renault gives backing to road safety scheme

Renault is to back a safety scheme designed to reduce the number of serious road accidents in Northamptonshire, which is the UK's fastest county when it comes to driving.

CarKraft is to be held at Silverstone, the home of the British Grand Prix, and is designed to educate people about the perils of driving dangerously so as to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured.

It will get underway on Sunday May 12th and will include workshops to allow drivers to experience simulated, challenging conditions as well as the main causes of car crashes, the consequences of speeding and the importance of seat belts.

What's more, drivers who are aged 17 and over will be able to experience Kick Plate and Ice Hill.

These parts of the course allow motorists to generate the effect of a loss of wheel traction and, therefore, reduced car control under extreme road conditions.

They will also be able to get an assessed drive on a public carriageway with a police driver who will then offer tips and advice on how to be safer on the roads.