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Think of winter tyres as sensible shoes for cars

08/12/2011 17:43

Think of winter tyres as sensible shoes for cars

As the chapped lips and rosy cheeks on most people's faces will attest, winter is here.

And while many of you will go to extreme lengths to wrap up warm and protect your skin, many drivers fail to extend this courtesy to their cars.

With this in mind, motorists across the UK are being urged to give their car some extra love and attention during the colder months.

Not only will this prolong the life of the vehicle, it will also keep drivers and their loved ones safe on ice roads.

Here at Bristol Street Motors we urge drivers to carry out a series of checks before every journey as while the importance of safety should never be underestimated, it is especially important in the winter months.

Drivers should ensure that they have warm clothes to hand, are covered by a reputable breakdown service, ensure they have checked the oil, weather and windscreen wiper reservoirs and clear all windows before setting off.

Also, and this is too often an afterthought, drivers should give serious consideration as to whether winter tyres are called for.

Those living in areas that avoid the worst of the harsher weather conditions and drivers who use their cars occasionally may not be tempted.

However, regular drivers can improve their road safety with the purchase of some competitively-priced specialist tyres.

Thinking of winter tyres as appropriate footwear for a car can help drivers see the need for such measures.

Indeed, you wouldn't go for a winter stroll in a pair of flip-flops or canvas trainers would you?

Our advice has been echoed by leading safety campaign TyreSafe, whose chairman Stuart Jackson has urged drivers to bare the winters of the last two years in mind and be prepared for the worst in 2011.

"We all remember the particularly harsh winters we've had in last two years, but it's not just these extreme wintry conditions that present dangers for drivers. Cold, damp roads can be just as hazardous and should be treated with the upmost respect," he commented.

"Fitting winter tyres is the safest option as they provide extra grip in these types of conditions, making driving much safer. Although winter tyres can be used all year round, they should be especially considered for fitment from October through to March when they come into their own and help reduce the risk of an accident."