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What Car? calls for drink-driving law change

11/03/2011 11:51

What Car? calls for drink-driving law change

What Car? is urging the government to consider tightening drink-driving laws in the UK.

Research carried out by the publication at the Transport Research Laboratory found that motorists' reaction times slowed down by eight per cent at the current legal alcohol limit.

More concerning, the magazine argues, is that one driver needed 12 shots of vodka to reach that limit.

The statistics follow official figures which show that the number of positive breath tests rose 14 per cent in December 2010, despite a 24 per cent reduction in the number of tests being carried out.

What Car? editor-in-chief Steve Fowler said most motorists have "no accurate understanding" of how much alcohol they are allowed to consume before getting behind the wheel.

"The simple solution is to cut the drink-drive limit to effectively zero, to cut out any confusion and to reduce the number of accidents and deaths as a result of drink-driving," Mr Fowler commented.

Last month, road safety charity Brake warned drivers to avoid accidents caused by tiredness by take regular rest stops.